Birds on the Wire

Yeşilin Sesi - Sound of Green / Salt Beyoğlu
Acoustic Mirror / Kunstraum Potsdamerstraße

Devil's Rope: The Encounter / Errant Sound

Future Visioning: AI Turkish Coffee Reading / Literaturhaus Berlin

Devil's Rope: On a Journey of No Return / Steinhaus Berlin

Das Loop / Errant Sound

Future Visioning / Zwitschermaschine
Devil's Rope: Between Refuse and Refuge / Zwitschermaschine

Akustik Ufuk - Acoustic Horizon / Pera Museum

Future Visioning / Somos Art

Devil's Rope: Global Flows / Kunstraum Potsdamerstraße
Devil's Rope: Between Refuse and Refuge / Medienhaus

Future Visioning / Medienhaus

Baklava / splace am Hauptplatz

Melting Soundscapes / Sub Tei

Devil's Rope: The Encounter

Baklava / Sub Tei
Air Sculptures / Artspace Bremenhaven

Glocken und Kanonen / Mahalla
Acoustic Horizon

Glocken und Kanonen

Acoustic Mirror
Melting Soundscapes / Kunstraum Potsdamerstraße

Air Sculptures