Future Visioning, 2022 / Zwitschermaschine

Interactive Installation
Turkish coffee, camera, computer, python, trackpad, desk, coffee cup

Coffee rituals are emblematic of Anatolian culture. As the coffee cups are filled and emptied, individual lives are weaved together to imagine collective futures and reminiscence the past. The interactive installation utilizes AI technology to invite participants on a journey of imagination and introspection all the while severing the communal aspect of coffee reading ritual: their fate is up to algorithm to decide. By enabling participants to interact with the computer it explores the concepts of kismet(*good karma) and serendipity and questions our interconnectedness with computers.

“Future Visioning” is produced via generous support of @vinzenzaubry @fangts_ and @esatfozbek

As a part of @groundless.group - Dissonance within, 8-10 December
Zwitschermaschine, Potsdamerstr 161

curated by Fang Tsai
supported by Leihe Media


Das Loop / Errant Sound


Devil's Rope: Between Refuse and Refuge / Zwitschermaschine