Exhibition / Bells and Cannons

What If Not Now?
A weekend exhibition with the Society for Nontrivial Pursuits
Feb 3-5 2023
MaHalla @mahallaberlin
Wilhelminenhofstraße 76, 12459 Berlin
12469 Berlin

The best time for sharing experiments is always now! Live performances, installations and screenings come together in the spirit of sharing experiments, learning from each other and enjoying the experience!
Happy to join with my sound sculpture ‘’Glocken und Kanonen’’ with friends from @s4ntp_gencomp for this expanded @ctmfestival @vorspiel.berlin event at the marvellous machine hall at MaHalla. Entry by donation. Great poster by @j.iawenw.ang
See you tonight!
Many thanks to @luizzanotello , Alberto de Campo and Hannes Hoelzl for their valuable feedbacks on “Glocken und Kanonen”. Also grateful to @whitegauna for his marvellous welding skills!


Update / Seretan


Exhibition / Melting Soundscapes