Exhibition / Groundless: An Endless Pursuit

Some more photos from the weekend exhibition, “an Endless Pursuit”

With an absence of a point of reference we peer through a magnifying glass of melting ice ages, human potentials, swaying horizons and speechless chats. A world full of firemakers. We meditate to the sound of an unreachable destination and try to recall a feeling we are already familiar with: groundlessness. An endless pursuit, with goals that remain unreachable and disguised.

Vinzenz Aubry - Ascend
Oezcan Ertek - Melting Soundscapes
Jens Tiemann - make fire!
Fang Tsai - 🖼
Daeun Joo - Silent Voyage
Erik Anton Reinhardt - Congratulations, 1000% Entrepreneurial Potential

photos @jenstiemann


Music / Seretan


Music / Seretan