Update / Sensing the City - Sense of the City

We did sth nice with @ivana__papic . Sounds of the youth club are now all over the neighbourhood!
“Echos aus der Pohlstraße" is an art education project created in cooperation with the youth club Pohl11 (Stadtteilverein Tiergarten e.V.) in Berlin. Through storytelling and sound workshops, young (aged 12–18) and the employees of the youth association share their stories and together explore the social landscape of the districts of Schöeneberg and Mitte. The goal of the project is to discuss the issues of the neighborhood, learn about the history of the youth club, promote intercultural story sharing, and experiment with the sounds of the neighborhood. The end result of the project is a rap youth podcast series consisting of stories from the neighborhood and improvised music pieces created together with the participants. The first podcast episode is presented to a wide audience through online channels and QR codes in public spaces.
@ivana__papic @ozcanertek @stvjugendteam


Exhibition / Sensing the City - Sense the City


Live Performance / Seretan