Music / Transferans

New release alert by @transferansmuzik ;
Istanbul born, Antwerp based KOO's second EP "Hardcore" will be released on Friday, March 26 via Transferans. Consisting of 4 tracks based on recognisable rhythmic and melodic patterns that construct certain emotions and vibes on each piece, this EP features intense trance synth melodies, hip-hop and R&B nuanced vocal samples and ambient sounds. It deals with the themes such as instincts, presence and existence.

Antwerp’de yaşamını sürdüren İstanbul doğumlu KOO’nun 2. EP’si “Hardcore” 26 Mart Cuma günü Transferans etiketiyle yayınlanıyor.
KOO, yeni EP’sinde her biri farklı duygusal reaksiyonları temsil eden 4 parçayı trance etkileşimli synth melodileri, R&B nüanslı vokal örnekleri ve ortam sesleri kullanarak experimental/industrial bir formda sunuyor.


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