Music / Transferans
Transferansmix; a musical journey through textural electronics, effects-treated instruments, vintage keyboards, organs and noisy, enigmatic, lo-fi music. Tonight, 22:00 at Keith Bar. Together we will be digging deep within new scenes and discovering new talents from Istanbul and beyond!
Yeni sezona bu akşam Berlin Keith Bar'dan merhaba diyoruz.
23:00'dan itibaren Keith F’eM’den canlı dinlenebilecek ve yoğunluklu olarak İstanbullu müzisyenlere yer vereceğimiz programa parça yollamak için; //
Transferansmix; eine musikalische Reise durch Texturelektronik, effektbehandelte Instrumente, Vintage-Keyboards, Orgeln und laute, rätselhafte Lo-Fi-Musik. Heute Abend, 22:00 Uhr in der Keith Bar. Gemeinsam werden wir tief in neue Szenen eindringen und neue Talente aus Istanbul und darüber hinaus entdecken!