Music / Seretan
On 23rd August, we are performing live at Arkaoda Berlin with @ale_hophop! See you there!
23 Ağustos akşamı Arkaoda Berlin’de görüşmek üzere.
Einlass: 20.00Uhr
Start: 21.00Uhr
Seretan uses sequencers, drum machines and samplers to create distinct style of music which is based on additive structures, sustained textures and unusual combination of sounds. Like any sound obsessive, Özcan Ertek splits his time between a number of different projects. At the top of the list are Eno-inspired ambient explorations under his soundcollage moniker, as well as the experimental electronic music he makes under the name Seretan. From minimalist ambience to larger-than-life melodicism: Turkey’s sonic explorer Seretan will play his live set that including tracks from the new 'Persona EP'. //
Ale Hop is a Peruvian composer and experimental multi-instrumentalist based in Berlin. She crafts complex yet beautiful post-rock arrangements and pop tunes with an experimental edge. She has presented her work in concerts and exhibitions in Peru, Argentina, Mexico, United States, Spain, Germany, Switzerland and Czech Republic in the past years.